E. Rabat (Ed.). 'End of Dreams', La Maleta de PortBou, Spain, May 2020
N. Larsen (Ed.). End of Dreams, Fotografisk Center, Denmark 2019
S. D. Nielsen (Ed.). Transit: Art, Mobility and Migration in the Age of Globalisation. Aalborg Universitetsforlag, Denmark 2019
E. Bond (Author). Writing Migration through the body. Palgrave Macmillian, England 2019
F. Mazzara (Author), Reframing Migration: Lampedusa, Border Spectacle and the Aesthetics of Subversion. Italian Modernities, England 2018
A. Kane. Art shows to leave the house for this month, Dazed, 23. October 2018
M. Whyte. MOCA's show Believe rewards our faith and patience, The Star, 22. September, 2018
A. C. Fløche. 'Transit'. Magasinet Kunst, 28. September, 2018
M. Nielsen. 'I bevægelse'. Weekendavisen, 21. September 2018
H.Eryılmaz. 'İzmir’de başka bir sema'. Published online on Artunlimited 25. May 2018
M. Lenot. Circulez, rien à voir, Published online on Lunettes Rouges, Le Monde, May 2018
C. Muller, C. Mongini & B. Guimiot. 'Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen. The Floating Series'. Published online on Contemporânea. 1.March 2018
P. Gadanho, L. Santos (Ed.). Tension and Conflict Art in video after 2008. MAAT. Fundação EDP, Portugal 2017
D. Horton. Somewhere Becoming Sea Review on Corridor 8. Published online 1. May 2017
A. Gundogdu. Migrant Deaths, Border Crimes, and the Marks of Humanity. MoMA's online catalogue 'Insecurities'. 10. Nov 2016
C. Lombardi-Diop & C. Romeo. State of the Union: Survival Blankets and Falling Stars, pp. 337-352, Published online: 3. Jul 2016
V. Kortun, N. Paynter. 'A Book of SALT'. P. 32-33. SALT, Istanbul 2016.
M. A. Mortensen. 'Her drukner drømmene: Fotografisk Center', VinkKBH, February 2016
M. Fernando & C. Giordano (ed.) 'The European Refugee Crisis', Cultural Anthropology Hot Spot
A. Zizlsberger, Engaging Istanbul, Exhibist Magazine 8, March 2016
P. Franch Pedersen, ‘Når drømmen drukner', Magasinet Kunst , January 2016
M. Coell, '3 Picks', Kopenhagen Magasin, January 2016
L. Baggesgaard, ‘Den dag drømmen sluttede’, Weekendavisen, 22. January 2016
P. M. Hornung, ‘Det store hav og flugten’, Politiken, 22. January 2016
R. N. Welsh, ‘End of Dreams’, 24 pages. Fotografisk Center, January 2016 (exhibition booklet)
S. Bode (ed.), ‘Portrait of a River’, 124 pages. Film and Video Umbrella, London, January 2016
R. Kieger, 'Lives lost in the Mediterranean focus of SALT Galata show', Today’s Zaman, 4. March 2015
L. Murray, ‘In Collaboration with Poseidon’, Time Out Istanbul, March 2015, p. 50
E.G. Castagna, ‘End of Dreams’, Ibraaz - Contemporary Visual Culture, 26. February 2015
K. Genç, ‘SALT exhibition dedicated to innocent people who lose their lives’, Daily Sabah. 21. February 2015
E. Tugba, ‘Sanat yapıtları göç ederse’, Agos, 13. February 2015
Z. E. Koca, ‘Sculpture Installation Focuses on Migration Problem’, Daily Sabah. 10. February 2015
R. Kiger, ‘Suyun öte yanina ulasmak’, Istanbul Art News, 1. February 2015
A. Dannant, ‘As in an Ocean’, Ibraaz - Contemporary Visual Culture, 17. December 2014
A. Downey, ‘Art and Politics Now’, Thames and Hudson, London, 2014
C. Ciuti, 'Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen: A Critical Observer', Il Cartello, September 2014
V. Gentile, 'End of Dreams: Voices of Migrants Come From the Sea', Art Special Day, June 2014
H. Marsala, ‘Un danese a Pizzo Calabro’, Artribune, 15. May 2014
C. Emmert (ed.), ‘Freiheit’. Published by Kunstpalais Erlangen, March 2014, pp.72-81 (exhibition catalogue)
M. Verhagen, ‘Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen - Profile’, Art Monthly, February 2014, pp. 20-21
A. Barlow (ed.), ‘Working with Artists and Audiences on Commissions and Residencies’, Sharjah Art Foundation, 2013, pp. 195-204
M. Verhagen, ‘Word. Sound. Power.’, Art Monthly, November 2013, pp. 27-28
Dr. L. Collins, 'Word. Sound. Power.', posted on Art Criticism Autumn 2013
F. Esack, ‘Portrait of a River - Interview with Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen’, Wall Street International, 25. October 2013
S. Sandhu, ‘Keep on Rolling’, Sight & Sound, September 2013. p. 56
M. Sheerin, ‘Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen. Portrait of a River’, Criticismism, 30 juni 2013
L. Deere, ‘Interview: Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen Talks to Leslie Deere About the Exhibition Estuary’, Run Riot, 15. March 2013
M. Verhagen, ‘Border Control’, Art Monthly, March 2013, pp. 11-14
S. Mansfield, ‘Art Review: Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen’, Scotchman, 2. November 2012
M. Sidhu, ‘Intimate, cinematic and formal beauty’, a-n The Artists Information Company, 4. October 2012
K. Rice, ‘Dashndem & Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen at DCA’, The Skinny, 8. October 2012
M. Gjessing, ‘When good will is not enough’, Klassekampen, 15. August 2012, pp. 27-28
S. Lønmo, ‘Humanistisk Demonstration’, Adresseavisen, 28. July 2012, p. 9
M. Lenot, ‘Ces migrants que nous ne voyons pas’, Lunettes Rouges / Le Monde, 11. July 2012
D.G. Jensen, ‘Filmkunstner på den internationale scene’, Nordjyske, 2. February 2012, pp. 8-12
T. Morton, ‘Third Thessaloniki Biennale’, Frieze, January-February 2012, p. 139
A. Dezeuze, Art Monthly, ‘3rd Thessaloniki Biennale’, December-Januar 2011-12, pp. 28-30
L. Avgita, ‘3rd Thessaloniki Biennale’, Art Forum, December 2011, p. 274
A. Downey, ‘Rendezvous’, Ibraaz - Contemporary Visual Culture, 1. November 2011
D. Trigg, ‘Folkestone Triennial’, Art Monthly, September 2011, pp. 21-23
K. Koskina (ed.), ‘Thessaloniki Biennale 3 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place’, Greece, 2011, pp. 109-110 (exhibition catalogue)
M.G. Traylen (ed.), ‘A Journal of Crossings’, published by Pavement Pounders, England, 2011, pp. 43-47
C. Price, ‘A Seaside Discovery’, Kent Messenger, 19. August 2011
M. Sheerin, 'Promised Land', Criticismism, 28. June 2011
S. Kent, 'Art Echoes by the Seaside', The Arts Desk, 29. June 2011
A. Searle, 'Artists Offer Depressed Channel Port a Sense of Place and New Perspectives', The Guardian. 27. June 2011
M. Hudson, 'Seaside town makes a global statement', The Daily Telegraph, p. 25, 28. June 2011
M. Sheerin, 'Folkestone Triennial 2011 puts town on map with classy showcase of contemporary art', Media24, 4. July 2011
A. Schlieker (ed.), Folkestone Triennial - A Million Miles From Home, Cultureshock Media Ltd., 2011 (exhibition catalogue)
B. Willum, 'Stemplet af sit postnummer', Berlingske Tidende, 26. May 2010. p. 4
A. Bech-Danielsen,'Belastede boligområder mødes', Politiken, 5. September 2010. p. 5
D. Sausset & R. Leydier(ed.), Annual, Cyprus 2009, pp. 180-181 (Catalogue)
J. Kristensen & J. R. Christensen, Medietid 2.0, Denmark, 2009, pp. 95-96 (educational book)
K. Schütt-Jensen, 'Med Sommer på værtshus', Jyllandsposten, 2. September 2009
S. Mitra, 'Future Diagnostics at the Sharjah Biennial 2009', Fuse Magazine, September 2009, pp. 27-29
P. M. Lee, 'Sharjah Biennial 9', Artforum, July 2009
K. Wilson-Goldie, 'Sharjah Biennial 9', Bidoun, Summer 2009, pp. 182-183
J. Mack, 'Sharjah Biennial', Art Review, May 2009, p. 133
C. Staebler, ‘Biennale de Sharjah’, Zerodeux Online, April 2009
L. Buck, 'Sharjah Biennial, UAE', The Art Newspaper, April 2009, p. 8
B. Scavenius, 'Biennale østen for solen og vesten for månen', Børsen, 14. April 2009, p. 45
K. Wilson-Goldie, 'The Formula, The National, Forenede Arabiske Emirater, 3. April 2009, pp. 4-5
A. Jeandet-Feneau, 'Gat décoche son hark', Ligne 8, Paris, March-April 2009, p. 26
M. Lenot, 'Tristesse, nostalgie, peur', Lunettes Rouges / Le Monde, 30. March 2009
A. Carver (ed.), Provisions for the Future, Sharjah Biennial 9, UAE, Sharjah, 2009, pp. 290-296 (exhibition catalogue)
A. Crochet, La semaine de l'art contemporain, Beaux Arts Magazine, November 2008, p. 92
R. Durand (ed.), Du machinique et du vivant, la Reserve, Pacy-sur-Eure, 2008, pp. 54-55 (exhibition catalogue)
M. Lenot, 'Dernière minute', Lunettes Rouges / Le Monde, 20. June 2008
S. Rehme, 'Obliterated Landscapes', Time Out - London, 9.-15. May 2008, p. 41
J. Persekian, 'Outside the Gates of Heaven', This week in Palestine, December 2007, pp. 39-40
T. Hermansen, 'En strøm af billeder', Jyllandsposten, 23 November 2007, p. 5
M. Melgaard, '10 Kunstfilm', Nordjyske (Kultur), 2. November 2007, pp. 10-11
M. Finders (ed.), Global Art Forum - Transcripts: 1, Dubai, 2007, pp. 152-157
Kunstens Venner, Danmark i Krig, Vrå Art Centre, 2007, pp.17-18 (exhibition booklet)
E. Iversen, 'Små og Rige', Berlingske Tidende, 2. June 2006
M. Lenot, 'Vision du Monde', Lunettes Rouges / Le Monde, 10. March 2006
P. Grand (ed.), ‘Une vision du monde’, La Maison Rouge, Paris, 2006, pp. 84-85 (exhibition catalogue)
S.M., 'Vinter i Venedig', Dansk Kunst 2006, København 2006, p. 104
P. U. C., 'Kunst til tiden', Femina Magazine, 27. October 2005
G. Spaabæk, 'Ny kunst på gammelt museum', Nordjydske, November 2005, p. 5
T. Hermansen, 'Video på Lærredet', Jyllands-posten, 4. November 2005, p. 13
M. Melgaard, Video Video, Nordjydske (culture section), 29. October 2005, p. 3
L. Klitgaard, 'About Time', Kunstmagasinet, Winter 2005
M. Kazim, ‘Art Now’, Emirates Fine Arts Society, Sharjah, UAE, 2005, pp. 149-153 (exhibition catalogue)
N. Sheriff, ‘Diversity in Art’, The Gulf Today (culture), 3. June 2005, pp. 2-3
I. Al Rifai, ‘Change Your Life Here, Emirates Fine Arts Society’, 2005, pp. 9-16 (exhibition catalogue)
S. M., 'Stiger svæver falder', Dansk Kunst 2005, Copenhagen, 2005, pp. 36-38
J. Gaardskjær, 'Skyum Svæver og Falder', Nordjydske (Mit Liv), 18. June 2004, p. 1
T. Frangenberg, ‘Rising Floating Falling’, Kunsten - Museum of Modern Art Aalborg, 2004 (exhibition catalogue)
P. Lewis (ed.), Sharjah International Biennial 6, UAE, Sharjah, 2003 (exhibition catalogue)
G. T. Turner, 'Fast Forward on the Persian Gulf', Art in America, November 2003, pp. 86-91
S. Kent, 'The Mind is a Horse', Time Out, London, 18.-25. September 2002, p. 22
A. Searle, 'The Mind is a Horse', The Guardian, 7. September 2002, p. 22
S. Wallin, 'SFG', Contemporary, September 2002, p. 80
I. Glover, 'Presentness is Grace', Frieze Magazine, May 2002, p. 94
M. Herbert, 'SFG', Time Out, London, 24.-31. July 2002, p. 56
E. Safe, 'Presentness Is Grace, Experiencing the Suspended Moment', Art Monthly, February 2002, p. 24
H.S., 'Now You See It', Art Review, February 2002, p. 29
L. Lambrecht, 'Zoekttocht naar de andere Kant van de Dingen', De Morgen, 24. January 2002
T. Phillips, 'Presentness Is Grace', Art Review, December 2001, p. 79
G.N., 'Presentness is Grace', [A-N] Magazine, December, 2001, p. 9
Presentness is Grace, Experiencing the Suspended Moment, Arnolfini, Bristol 2001 (exhibition catalogue)