End of Season (2014), HD video, stereo soundtrack, 70 minutes
End of Season is Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen’s first feature length film, and an addition to his ongoing series of works that backtracks migrants’ paths to - and through Europe. It is filmed in Üyüklütatar Köyüa - a small farming village in northwestern Turkey by the River Meriç that marks a part of the Turkish-Greek border. Until 2012 the river was the busiest entry point into Europe for illegal migrants. The villagers have seen countless migrants enter their village and cross their fields to get to the river. Many have seen and heard migrants in peril.
The villagers feel in a moral dilemma because current laws forbid them to help the migrants in any way. Although illegal migration is a reoccurring theme throughout the film it broadens the notion of migration: Like many other small communities Üyüklütatar Köyüa is losing its young generation who migrate to cities to work in factories. In the outskirts of the village there’s a camp of Romas – internal migrants who come to Üyüklütatar Köyüa as seasonal workers. DoP: Jonas Mortensen , original music: THE THE , sound design and mix: Mikkel H. Eriksen